The Disk Management tab lists information about physical and virtual appliance disks.
The progress bar shows what percentage of the polling is complete.
Physical appliances use RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) arrays with encrypted disks.
Disk failure results in a critical alarm.
If a row indicates that a disk has failed, click the Edit icon to access the appliance, and then follow the directions in the local help to replace the failed disk.
You can view the SMART (Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology) data from physical appliance disks only.
To replace a failed disk:
Log in to your Support portal account, and then click Open a Self Service RMA for disk replacement.
Complete the wizard. Use the serial number of the appliance (not the disk).
After you receive the new disk, access Appliance Manager by clicking any edit icon that belongs to the appliance in question.
Follow the instructions on that page’s online help.