The Tunnel Bandwidth chart shows the tunnels that are sending the most bytes—that is, the most active tunnels.
Show Underlays
Underlays are actual IPSec tunnels and physical paths taken (such as MPLS). Overlays are logical tunnels created for different traffic types and policies (such as VoIP).
This shows trace route information between the tunnel source and destination IP addresses. It shows intermediate hops, their IP addresses, and the latency between each hop.
Live View
Live View shows the live bandwidth, loss, latency, and jitter on all the tunnels. For an overlay, it also shows live tunnel states—Up, Browned Out, or Down.
LiveView shows in real time how synergy is created to maintain coverage. The real-time chart shows the SD-WAN overlay at the top and the underlay networks at the bottom. The overlay is green and is delivering consistent application performance while both underlays are in persistent brown-out state.