Audit Logs
Orchestrator > Orchestrator Server > Tools > Audit Logs
The Audit Logs tab lists actions from a user or the system itself, initiated by Orchestrator.
You can apply the following filters to your audit logs:
To determine which actions you want to display in the table, select Completed, In Progress, or Queued filters.
Select the following different log levels to apply to your filter: Debug, Info, or Error.
To refresh or pause the table, select either Auto Refresh or Pause. By default, the table refreshes automatically.
Enter the Record Count to limit the filtering criteria. The default value is 500, and the maximum value is 10,000.
Select the name of the Appliance from the lists to apply as a filter.
You can search a wild card character (*) as a username to display all user logs. If you enter any value in the user field, no filter is applied to the search. The following are true for audit log wild cards:
x*= anything that starts with the entered value
*x= anything that ends with the entered value
Field | Description |
User Name | Filter/search for an audit log by the username of the appliance. |
IP Address | IP address of the selected appliance. |
Appliance | Name of the appliance the audit log comes from. |
Action | The action that was taken by the user or the system, initiated by Orchestrator. |
Task Status | Status of the audit log task. |
Results | Contains a brief description of the audit log including any actions taken. If the audit log refers to template changes or segment (VRF) firewall zone policy changes, any comments entered in the Audit Log Comment field will be included in the description. Click the cell to view the full description. |
Start Time | Time when the search of the audit log started. |
End Time | Time when the search of the audit log ended. |
Queued Time | Time when the process/task was requested or scheduled in the queue. |
% Completed | Percent completed of the audit log task. |
Completion Status | Whether the task has been completed. |