Aruba 370EX 系列恶劣环境场所接入点数据表
Aruba 370EX 系列 AP 提供经过实践证明的千兆位 Wi-Fi 以及高级客户端、定位和 IoT 支持,以满足最苛刻的气候和温度要求。
The Definitive Guide to SSE
It’s undeniable that the world has undergone a mega shift, as more and more users, applications, and devices all exist outside the security of the corporate perimeter. After years of trying to cope with traditional network security appliances, IT leaders are recognizing the ultimate need for evolution in what secure access looks like for the modern business. Learn how a Security Service Edge (SSE) platform helps solve this problem.
203R Remote Access Point Data Sheet
The multifunctional Aruba 203R Remote AP delivers secure and fast 802.11ac wireless and wired network access to corporate resources for branch and home offices.
AP-203H Access Point Data Sheet
The cost-effective Aruba 203H 802.11ac access point with single or dual radio mode delivers high performance Wi-Fi networks for hospitality and branch offices.
300 系列产品说明
入门级 Aruba 300 系列第 2 代 802.11ac 接入点面向中等密度环境,提供高性能和优异的用户体验。
207 Series Access Points Data Sheet
The affordable, mid-range Aruba 207 Series access point delivers high performance 802.11ac for medium density enterprise environments.
Outdoor MIMO Antenna ANT-4x4-5314 Datasheet
ANT-4x4-5314 is a multipolarized antenna with 30° H x 30° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for coverage along a street, spot coverage, or for covering a seating section in stadiums and other large public venues.
Aruba 310 系列接入点数据表
Aruba 310 系列接入点为密集环境中的移动设备、物联网 (IoT) 设备和应用程序提供了高性能和优异的用户体验。配备 4x4:4SS MU-MIMO 功能、高级 Aruba ClientMatch 射频管理以及 Aruba Beacon 技术,310 系列以经济高效的方式打造全无线工作环境。
320 Series Access Points Data Sheet
Aruba 802.11ac Wave 2 320 Series APs deliver superb Wi-Fi performance and multi-user MIMO enhanced ClientMatch to boost network efficiency and support the growing device density demands.
Aruba 330 系列接入点数据表
Aruba 330 系列接入点为数字工作场所中的移动设备和应用程序提供了最快的千兆位数据速度和优异的用户体验。330 系列设计具有集成的 HPE 智能速率端口,可以扩展到 2.5Gbps 以太网,使得企业可以利用其千兆位级以太网有线网络基础设施来消除瓶颈。
Outdoor MIMO Antenna ANT-3x3-D100 Data Sheet
ANT-3×3-D100 is a multipolarized antenna with 90° H x 90° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4 and 5 GHz sector coverage for access.
210 系列产品说明书
经济实惠的多功能 Aruba 210 系列无线接入点 (AP) 可在中等密度的高性能 Wi-Fi 环境中让移动设备发挥最佳性能。
Aruba 103 系列
环境中让移动设备发挥最佳性能,同时将 蜂窝基站网络的干扰减到最低。
Outdoor Antenna ANT-3×3-5010 Data Sheet
ANT-3×3-5010 is a kit of three omnidirectional antennas for use in 802.11ac and 802.11n MIMO mesh link and client access applications.
Outdoor Antenna ANT-3×3-5712 Data Sheet
ANT-3×3-5712 is a multipolarized antenna with 70° horizontal and 25° vertical beamwidths. This antenna is ideally suited for 5-GHz point-to-multipoint mesh connections.
Outdoor MIMO Antenna ANT-3×3-D608 Data Sheet
The outdoor ANT-3×3-D608 MIMO antenna is multipolarized with 60° horizontal x 60° vertical beamwidths.
Outdoor MIMO Antenna AP-ANT-38 Data Sheet
AP-ANT-38 is a multi-polarized antenna with 60° H x 60° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz sector coverage for Wi-Fi access.
RAP-155 产品说明书
多功能 Aruba RAP-155 系列为中小型企业提供了安全的 802.11n 无线和有线网络连接,适用于从分支机构访问公司资源。它是需要快速加密吞吐量的超高密度 Wi-Fi 环境的理想之选。
Indoor Antenna AP-ANT-1B Data Sheet
With an articulating mount this antenna provides flexibility in deployment and direct connection to Aruba access points with an onboard RP-SMA connector. These antennas are the preferred choice for multi-purpose service deployment or wireless intrusion prevention (WIP).
MSR2000 户外无线网状路由器产品手册
Aruba® AirMesh MSR2000 面向无法采用有线连接的户外环境,提供高性能的无线网状网络路由。
MSR4000 户外无线网状路由器产品手册
Aruba® AirMesh MSR4000 通过高容量企业级有线网络基础设施,为户外环境提供了高性能的无线网状网络路由。
MST200 AirMesh 户外无线网状路由器产品手册
Aruba AirMesh MST200 户外无线网状接入路由器提供高性能的户外无线网状连接,适用于远程位置和设备,例如 IP 视频监视摄像头和数字标牌。
AP-103H 产品说明书
中密集型 Wi-Fi 环境中提供尽可能高的移动设备性能,并且最大限度地减小蜂窝网络的干扰。
ArubaOS RFProtect 产品资料
RFProtect 可以保护网络基础设施免受无线安全威胁,并提供了针对射频 (RF) 干扰的关键层监控能力,分析对无线 LAN (WLAN) 性能的影响。
Aruba 370 接入点数据表
Aruba 370 系列无线接入点具有防风雨和温度稳定 特性,能够在恶劣的户外环境下提供 802.11ac Wave 2 千兆位Wi-Fi。
Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN Family Data Sheet (Service Provider)
Overview of Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN family for service providers.
Aruba Beacons Data Sheet
Aruba Beacons leverage Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) technology to provide indoor location data for mobile devices.
Aruba 318 Series 802.11ac Wave 2 Access Points Data Sheet
The hardened Aruba 318 series access point delivers gigabit Wi-Fi performance to 802.11ac mobile devices in harsh, weather-protected environments such as warehouses, industrial freezers or enclosures in extreme environments such as stadiums.
Aruba 360系列户外接入点数据表
Aruba 340 无线接入点系列 拥有卓越性能的802.11ac Wave 2无线接入点
这些接入点采用符合802.3bz标准的集成HPE智能速率多千兆以太网端口,可消除有线 瓶颈,具备无与伦比的无线性能和容量优势。在有需要时,340系列独特而灵活的双5GHz体系结构可 将5GHz容量提高一倍,并且不受任何影响或限制。
Aruba 370EX 系列恶劣环境场所接入点数据表
Aruba 370EX 系列 AP 提供经过实践证明的千兆位 Wi-Fi 以及高级客户端、定位和 IoT 支持,以满足最苛刻的气候和温度要求。
通过 EdgeConnect Microbranch 将WAN 扩展到家庭办公环境/小型办公室
EdgeConnect Microbranch 解决方案以 Aruba 的远程接入点技术为基础,增加了先进的 SD-WAN 和 SASE 功能,可为家庭办公环境或小型办公室提供云管理的企业级解决方案,作为混合工作环境的一部分。
Outdoor MIMO Antenna AP-ANT-28 Data Sheet
AP-ANT-28 is a dual-polarized antenna with 60° H x 60° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4-GHz and 5-GHz sector coverage for Wi-Fi access.
Aruba NetEdit 产品说明书
Data sheet describing Aruba NetEdit, which automates many switch configuration tasks such as editing, deploying, and verifying changes across multiple devices.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect 10106 SD-WAN Gateway
EdgeConnect 10106 SD-WAN Gateway is a high performance networking and secure SD-WAN appliance in a compact and cost-effective form factor, ideally suited for small branch and remote office environments.
EdgeConnect 10104 Spec Sheet
In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect 10104.
HPE Aruba Networking CX feature pack ordering guide
This ordering guide provides details on the available feature packs for HPE Aruba Networking CX switches.
广域网优化如何提高 SD-WAN 中的 应用程序性能
一个常见的误解是,SD-WAN 减少或消除了对广域网优化技术的需求。现实是 SD-WAN 和广域网优化解决的是根本不同的问题,当统一部署时,可以互补。
HPE Aruba Networking CX 4100i 交换机系列数据表
CX 4100i 交换机系列是一个全新的坚固型以太网交换机系列,非常适合在恶劣环境中连接物联网、接入点和用户设备。
2930F 交换机系列产品资料
第 3 层交换机系列,提供企业级功能,易于通过 Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager、Aruba AirWave 和 Aruba AirWave 进行保护、部署和管理。支持静态和 RIP 路由、IPv6、ACL、内置 1/10GbE 上行链路和 PoE+。
SD-WAN for manufacturing white paper
This paper examines six use cases in the manufacturing industry that show how the implementation of an advanced SD-WAN solution helps manufacturers accelerate their digital transformation journey and become a cloud-first organization. The paper also describes how SD-WAN is the foundational component of a SASE framework (Secure Access Service Edge) and how it helps manufacturers adopt a zero-trust architecture to secure IoT devices and comply with cybersecurity frameworks.
Customer Experience Management
Our goal is to take an Aruba environment to its highest levels. We developed tools to make this happen, optimizing our interaction with customers during engagements. This service includes access to Aruba Service Manager and a designated Customer Success Manager.
Pervasive Encryption and Security for Edge to Cloud with the HPE Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch
This business paper details several multi-cloud, edge, and colocation connectivity use cases that highlight the HPE Aruba CX10000’s market-leading security and TCO advantages.
HPE Aruba Networking's Guide to Successful C-Suite Network Connections
Understand how CIOs can foster a successful relationship between fellow C-suite members and the enterprise network.
Designing Hyper-aware Healthcare Facilities
Secure infrastructure and partner solutions for healthcare institutions included acute and ambulatory care, clinics, assisted living, and long-term care facilities.
HPE Aruba Networking 500R Series Remote Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 500R Series.
HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 670 Series Outdoor Access Points.
HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories and other components for the 600H Series Hospitality Access Points.
Outdoor 4x4 MIMO Antenna AP-ANT-45 Data Sheet
AP-ANT-45 is a multi-polarized antenna with nominal 90° H x 90° V beamwidths. This antenna is well suited for 2.4 and 5 GHz sector coverage for access.
This is the datasheet for HPE Aruba Networking's new IoT expansion radio, a dongle that connects into the USB port of a HPE Aruba Networking Access Point to enable Zigbee connectivity.
企业 Aruba Orchestrator 即服务产品说明书
安全、云托管的软件即服务订阅,使企业能够将业务意图策略集中分配给应用程序并管理和监控其 Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN。
HPE Aruba Networking Orchestrator
Multi-tenant Orchestrator Software for service providers to manage hundreds or thousands of enterprise EdgeConnect SD-WAN instances.
ClearPass 策略 管理器 数据表
A platform that provides role- and device-based network access control for any user across any wired, wireless and VPN infrastructure.
ClearPass Scaling and Ordering Guide
Learn details about ClearPass SKUs, licenses, and specifications for ordering and scaling.
MSP Data Sheet
This data sheet provides a high-level overview of HPE Aruba Networking's MSP offering including HPE Aruba Networking Central, Access Points, Switching, services, and support.
EdgeConnect US Spec Sheet
In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect US.
HPE Aruba Networking Tags Data Sheet
HPE Aruba Networking Tags are a key component of the HPE Aruba Networking Location Services portfolio and asset tracking solution. When used with the HPE Aruba Networking Meridian platform, HPE Aruba Networking Tags enable businesses to track valuable physical assets in their indoor and outdoor locations.
HPE Aruba Networking Multizone Data Sheet
HPE Aruba Networking’s centralized architecture provides a more secure Wi-Fi environment that is different from any other Wi-Fi vendor on the market today. This data sheet explains the key security advantages of this architecture.
Aruba Mobility Conductor Hardware Appliance Ordering Guide
Ordering guide for the Aruba Mobility Mobility Controller.
Aruba CX 8325 交换机系列产品资料
The Aruba CX 8325 Series switch provides 6.4Tbps of switching capacity in a 1U form factor. Supported interfaces include 10GbE, 25GbE, 40GbE and 100GbE. This switch can serve as a campus core/aggregation switch or a data center leaf switch.
HPE Aruba Networking CX 6300 交换机系列产品资料
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6300 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.
ClearPass Device Insight Data Sheet
Achieve full spectrum visibility of network-connected devices with risk scoring and machine-learning to identify unknown devices and reduce time-to-identification.
HPE Aruba Networking Central for Government Data Sheet
This data sheet captures the key benefits, features and ordering information for HPE Aruba Networking Central as applicable to Federal audiences.
HPE Aruba Networking 9200 Series Campus Gateways Ordering Guide
Ordering details for the 9200 Series Campus Gateway including capacity licenses and add-ons.
HPE Aruba Networking 9000 Series Gateway Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on part numbers for the 9000 Series Gateway and additional accessories like power adapters and antennas that are used to provide network connectivity.
HPE Aruba Networking 580EX Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide
Ordering guide for the AP-580EX Family of products to help identify which additional AP accessories would be needed.
HPE Aruba Networking 580 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide
Ordering guide for the AP-580 Series Outdoor APs to help select the AP, what accessories may be needed, antennas, etc.
HPE Aruba Networking 570EX Series Hazardous Location Access Points Ordering Guide
HPE Aruba Networking 570EX series hazardous location access points (APs) with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology deliver the highest performance in hazardous location and harsh outdoor environments such as industrial facilities and oil rigs. Purpose-built to withstand extreme temperatures, persistent moisture and precipitation, electrical surges, and airborne contaminants. Include or interoperate with Aruba ESP capabilities such as AI-powered RF optimization, Live upgrades, WPA3 and Enhanced Open security, and Dynamic Segmentation.
HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series Ordering Guide
Simple and concise, this ordering guide details the specifications for the Wi-Fi 6 HPE Aruba Networking 560EX Series Access Points. Ideal for high-density, hazardous environments.
HPE Aruba Networking 560 Series Ordering Guide
Concise and user-friendly, our Ordering Guide makes finding the exact HPE Aruba Networking product and accessories you need easier than ever. Simply place an order and your products will be shipped directly to you.
HPE Aruba Networking 518 Series Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 518 Series.
Aruba 503 系列接入点数据表
This data sheet provides an overview of the 503 Series Access Points, which are affordable Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) APs for low-to-medium-density indoor environments.
HPE Aruba Networking 501 Wireless Bridge Datasheet
The 501 Wireless Client Bridge can bridge up to 15 Ethernet client devices running a legacy networking protocol to the WLAN, extending wireless network access to a wide range of protocols.
HPE Aruba Networking 303 Series Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 303 AP.
HPE Aruba Networking 303系列接入点数据表
The affordable mid-range Aruba 303 Series campus access point delivers high performance 802.11ac with MU-MIMO (wave 2) for medium density enterprise environments.
AP-303H Access Point Data Sheet
The multi-functional Wave 2 303H access point delivers best-in class Wi-Fi connectivity for hospitality and branch offices, enabling an always-on user experience with low TCO.
AirWave (Federal) Data Sheet
This data sheet summarizes the features, functions and benefits of HPE Aruba Networking AirWave for US Federal audiences; on-premises, multi-vendor management for distributed campus wired and wireless networks.
7200 Series Mobility Controllers Ordering Guide
Ordering guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 7200 Series Mobility Controller.
7000 Series Mobility Controllers Ordering Guide
Ordering guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 7000 Series Mobility Controller.
5400R 交换机系列产品资料
使用针对高速IEEE 802.11ac 设备的HPE智能速率多千兆位端口,Aruba 5400R zl2 交换机系列是业界领先的移动园区访问解决方案。
Aruba 387接入点可提供每秒超过1 Gb的总吞吐量。 它可以在恶劣天气下提供灵活的操作。 而且,易于部署极大地简化了部署点对点连接所需的技能。
3810 交换机系列产品资料
Aruba 3810 交换机系列是面向企业、中小型企业和分支机构办事处网络的行业领先的移动园区访问解决方案。Aruba 3810 为高性能的IEEE 802.11ac 网络设备提供了HPE 智能速率multi-gigabit 端口,为您的未来网络做好准备。
2930M 交换机系列产品资料
这些三层接入交换机可以通过高级安全和网络管理工具,如Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager 和Aruba AirWave,进行轻松部署和管理。
2930F TAA Switch Series Data Sheet
Layer 3 access switch series that’s simple to deploy and manage with ClearPass Policy Manager, AirWave and Central. TAA Models.
2920 Switch Series Data Sheet
With a powerful ProVision ASIC, the 2920 provides security, scalability, and ease of use for the enterprise campus, SMB, and branch office networks.
2540 Switch Series Data Sheet
Layer 2 access switches deliver enterprise class features with 10GbE uplink that’s simple to deploy and manage with ClearPass Policy Manager, AirWave, and Central.
HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet
This data sheet describes the features, benefits, and specifications of the HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access.
HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points Data Sheet
This datasheet describes the key features of HPE Aruba Networking 600H Series Hospitality Access Points (Wi-Fi 6E) that deliver seamless, secure, high-performance wireless connectivity to mission critical hospitality, branch, and telework environments.
HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points Data Sheet
This datasheet describes the key features of HPE Aruba Networking 670 Series Outdoor Access Points (670/670EX) that deliver high performance Wi-Fi 6E to outdoor and environmentally challenging locations.
HPE Aruba Networking 500R Series Remote Access Points Data Sheet
This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 500R Series Remote Access Point for remote work and small branch offices.
WebCC Bundle Subscription (IP Reputation, URL Filtering, and Geolocation Filtering)
The WebCC Bundle Subscription includes IP Reputation, URL Filtering, and Geolocation Filtering services that can be tied into the Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) settings.
Secure SD-WAN Fabric with Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN
To tackle growing security challenges emerging due to cloud migration and a dissolving security perimeter, enterprises need an advanced, secure SD-WAN solution like the Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform that includes a built-in next-generation firewall and fine-grained segmentation with identity- and role-based access control, anti-spoofing, attack detection, and protection as well as DDoS defense and IDS/IPS to protect branch office sites from malicious activities.
HPE Aruba Networking 600R Series Remote Access Points Data Sheet
This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 600R Series Remote Access Point for the small office/home office.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN XS
In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN XS.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN S-P
In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect EC-S-P.
Aruba 服务保障数据表
The Aruba Central User Experience Insight solution datasheet describes how IT organizations can proactively and continuously simulate real-world mobile user experiences using easy-to-deploy sensors, and an intuitive cloud-based dashboard.
Mobility Conductor 数据表
The Aruba Mobility Mobility Controller provides unified enterprise-grade network services that span multiple networks composed of 7000, 7200, and Virtual Mobility Controllers.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN Family Data Sheet (Enterprise)
Overview of HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN family.
Aruba EdgeConnect SD-Branch 数据表
Describes the key features and benefits as well as the technical specifications of EdgeConnect SD-Branch.
Aruba CX 8400 交换机系列产品资料
一款变革性的解决方案,在移动、云和 IoT 时代中,提供创新方法来满足新的应用程序、安全和可扩展性需求。
HPE Aruba Networking CX 8360 交换机系列产品资料
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 8360 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.
HPE Aruba Networking 8320 交换机系列产品资料
一款变革性的解决方案,提供创新方法来满足新的应用程序、安全和可扩展性需求,布局紧凑,但是也具有部署灵活性。在紧凑的1U 外形设计下,8320 实现了业界领先的 10GbE/40GbE 线速。
HPE Aruba Networking CX 6400 交换机系列产品资料
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6400 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.
Aruba CX 6200 交换机系列产品资料
Aruba CX 6200交换机系列是下一代可堆叠接入交换机系列,非常适合企业分支办公场所、园区以及中小企业网络。
Dell’Oro whitepaper: Navigating single-vendor SASE - Charting the course for next-gen enterprise networking
This Dell’Oro whitepaper examines the benefits of single-vendor SASE and how this approach can help forward-thinking organizations construct a robust architecture that positions them to evolve with technological and business landscapes seamlessly.
Enhanced Experiences in the Smart Digital Workplace
The advantages of the Smart Digital Workplace are captured in interactions called experiences. This paper describes these experiences and the dynamic relationship between assets – people, things, or both – and the workplace environment.
HPE Aruba Networking 580 系列接入点数据表
Explore the comprehensive list of features and benefits of the new 580 series outdoor AP ideal for harshest outdoor environments.
HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 交换机系列产品资料
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 6100 Switch Series ideal for enterprise branch offices and SMBs.
HPE Aruba Networking CX 6000 交换机系列产品资料
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the CX 6000 Switch Series ideal for enterprise branch offices, campuses and SMBs.
HPE Aruba Networking Central SaaS Subscription Ordering Guide
This ordering guide covers the Aruba Central subscriptions and feature details for access points, wireless gateways, switches and SD-Branch gateways.
Central On-premises ordering guide for government customers
Central On-premises has successfully completed FIPS 140-2 certification. These accreditations provide confidence to U.S. federal agencies, participating state and local (SLED) government, defence and other publicly funded organizations can take advantage of a powerful cloud-like management experience and improve IT agility, efficiency while also satisfying regulatory or compliance requirements. Get ordering information, and learn about the powerful capabilities, benefits, and features available to U.S. federal agencies.
Aruba Central 数据表
Aruba Central 是一个适用于所有 Aruba 网络基础设施的云原生管理控制台。作为 Aruba ESP(边缘服务平台)的单一可见性和管理平台,Aruba Central 可提供 AIOps、工作流自动化和高级安全功能,以统一园区、分支机构、数据中心和远程工作环境的操作。
HPE Aruba Networking AP-ANT-28A Antenna Data Sheet
Data sheet for AP-ANT-28A antenna.
HPE Aruba Networking 610 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
This document defines the various orderable SKUs for the 610 Series Campus Access Points and associated accessories, and helps our field, partners and customer in picking the right combinations and quantities.
HPE Aruba Networking 9000 系列数据表
This data sheet provides detailed information on the features, capabilities, and specifications of the 9000 Series Gateways and additional accessories.
HPE Aruba Networking 650 系列接入点数据表
HPE Aruba Networking 650系列旗舰接入点,全面支持6GHz频段,提供高达7.8Gbps聚合数据传输速率,拥有更大的容量,更宽的信道,以及更少的频率干扰。
HPE Aruba Networking 630系列园区接入点数据表
630系列接入点旨在利用6 GHz频段的优势,从而实现显著更快的速度、更宽的信道(用于多千兆位流量)以及更少的干扰。
HPE Aruba Networking 550 系列数据表
This data sheet describes the Aruba 550 series campus access point with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for extreme-density mobile and IoT deployments.
HPE Aruba Networking 610系列 WiFi 6E 园区接入点数据表
本文介绍了高性价比 HPE Aruba Networking 610 系列 Wi-Fi 6E 接入点,内容包括功能、优势、技术规格和可定购的产品型号。
HPE Aruba Networking 570EX 系列危险环境接入点数据表
HPE Aruba Networking 570EX series hazardous location access points (APs) with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) technology deliver the highest performance in hazardous location and harsh outdoor environments such as industrial facilities and oil rigs. Purpose-built to withstand extreme temperatures, persistent moisture and precipitation, electrical surges, and airborne contaminants. Include or interoperate with Aruba ESP capabilities such as AI-powered RF optimization, Live upgrades, WPA3 and Enhanced Open security, and Dynamic Segmentation.
HPE Aruba Networking 570系列室外接入点数据表
提供用于室外和恶劣天气场景部署的HPE Aruba Networking 570系列室外型Wi-Fi 6接入点的特性、功能和规格方面的详细信息。
HPE Aruba Networking 560EX 系列接入点数据表
本文介绍了 Wi-Fi 6 HPE Aruba Networking 560EX 系列接入点的主要性能、支持的标准和规格。适合高密度和危险环境使用。
HPE Aruba Networking 510系列无线接入点数据表
HPE Aruba Networking Wi-Fi 6接入点为所有面临更多物联网和移动性需求的组织提供高性能连接。通过最高2.69Gbps(HE80/HE20)的实际聚合数据速率,HPE Aruba Networking Wi-Fi 6接入点能够提供任何企业环境需要的速度和可靠性。
提供用于家庭办公室、酒店客房和宿舍场景部署的HPE Aruba Networking 500H系列面板式Wi-Fi 6接入点的特性、功能和规格方面的详细信息。
Aruba 500系列无线接入点数据表
提供用于中等密度场景部署的Aruba 500系列室内型Wi-Fi 6接入点的特性、功能和规格方面的详细信息。
AirWave 产品介绍
HPE Aruba Networking 550 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide describes the HPE Aruba Networking 550 series campus access point with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for extreme-density mobile and IoT deployments.
Aruba 530 系列数据表
This datasheet describes the Aruba 530 Campus Access Points with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for for high-density mobile and IoT deployments.
HPE Aruba Networking 510 Series Indoor Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 510 AP. The HPE Aruba Networking 510 series campus access points with 802.11ax technology are designed to efficiently and simultaneously serve multiple clients and traffic types in dense environments, increasing data rates for both individual device and overall system.
HPE Aruba Networking 503 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides details on the available licenses for single APs and ten packs, plus power accessory options.
HPE Aruba Networking 500 Series Wireless Access Points Ordering Guide
This is the ordering guide for HPE Aruba Networking's entry-level Wi-Fi 6 access point designed with the performance needed for medium-density deployments. It also supports IoT platform capabilities such as Bluetooth and Zigbee support.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect 10108 SD-WAN Gateway
The EdgeConnect 10108 SD-WAN Gateway provides high performance networking and secure SD-WAN capabilities in a compact and cost-effective form factor, ideally suited for small branch and remote office environments.
Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise SD-WAN 平台数据表
In-depth product features, functionality, benefits, and specifications of Aruba EdgeConnect Enterprise.
HPE Aruba Networking Foundational Care
Your network demands 24x7 attention and the essential support entitlements that Foundational Care provides, including software support, 24x7 TAC access, and a range of flexible options for hardware replacement. Learn more in the service brief below or the more detailed service description.
Designated Onsite Engineer Service Description
An HPE Aruba Networking engineer will be embedded in your organization. The onsite engineer takes task direction from your project manager and will also manage standard deliverables, including: best practice reports, proactive software recommendations, bug scrubs, change window support and informal knowledge transfer.
Designated Remote Engineer Service Description
An HPE Aruba Networking engineer will be embedded in your organization remotely. The engineer takes task direction from your project manager and will also manage standard deliverables, including: best practice reports, proactive software recommendations, bug scrubs, change window support and informal knowledge transfer.
HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100 Series Switch Data Sheet
This data sheet describes key features, supported standards and specifications for the HPE Aruba Networking CX 8100 Switch Series ideal for enterprise networks.
HPE Aruba Networking Air Pass Data Sheet
This data sheet highlights the overview, components, benefits and ordering information for HPE Aruba Networking Air Pass.
HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway Data Sheet
This data sheet describes the key features of the HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway that is a cloud-optimized edge appliance designed to securely and seamlessly extend enterprise services to large branch and small campus networks.
HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300 交换机系列产品资料
The HPE Aruba Networking CX 9300 Switch Series is a next-generation 25.6Tbps, 1U fixed configuration switch supporting 32-ports of 100/200/400GbE.
HPE Aruba Networking 630 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide defines the SKUs of the 630 Series Campus Access Point models and the compatible hardware accessories.
HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
Ordering Guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 730 Series Campus Access Points.
650 Series AP Ordering Guide
HPE Aruba Networking 650 Series Wi-Fi 6E Campus Access Points Ordering Guide defines the model SKUs and compatible hardware accessories.
HPE Aruba Networking 500H Series Hospitality Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 500H Series.
HPE Aruba Networking 530 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide describes the HPE Aruba Networking 530 Campus Access Points with 802.11ax technology that is suitable for for high-density mobile and IoT deployments.
HPE Aruba Networking Central On-Premises Ordering Guide
Ordering details for HPE Aruba Networking Central On-Premises, which is powered by purpose-built server appliances and cloud-native software to bring a cloud-like network management experience to your on-prem environment.
HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points Ordering Guide
Ordering Guide for the HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points.
HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Points Data Sheet
This data sheet describes the features, benefits, and specifications of the HPE Aruba Networking 750 Series Campus Access Point.
SD-WAN Assist Service Description
SD-WAN Assist is a packaged service that provides technical assistance through the deployment phase of EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform. SD-WAN Assist is designed to help customers assess their unique deployment needs, offer high level support through the deployment phase, and coordinate with certified HPE Aruba Networking partners for on-site deployments. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN EC-XL-H
In-depth product specifications for HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN EC-XL-H.
EdgeConnect L Spec Sheet
In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect L.
EdgeConnect M Spec Sheet
In-depth product specifications for EdgeConnect M.
HPE Aruba Networking Small Cell Radio Data Sheet
Details on our HPE Aruba Networking Small Cell Radios, which are available in 5G indoor, 5G outdoor, 4G indoor, and 4G outdoor options, as part of HPE Aruba Networking Enterprise Private Cellular.
从 VPN 迁移至 ZTNA
随着远程和混合工作员工数量的持续增长,安全的现代访问解决方案对企业至关重要。ZTNA 是一种现代解决方案,克服了 VPN 的局限性,并提高了远程访问的安全性、灵活性、可扩展性、性能和成本效益。
ESG 白皮书:打造安全的第四代数据中心结构
ESG 探讨了如何改善运营效率、增强安全性以及提供业务敏捷性,以便您可以应对现代数据中心的种种挑战。
Choosing the right SSE platform
As the network perimeter evolves, SSE emerges as a strategic approach to security. This whitepaper delves into the critical considerations organizations must weight when selecting an SSE platform for their business.
3 steps to SSE success
Discover 3 steps for Security Service Edge (SSE) success: How to properly plan, execute, and review your SSE deployment to best secure connectivity, protect networks, and optimize performance.
HPE Aruba Networking 9200 系列园区网关数据表
Overview of next-generation HPE Aruba Networking 9200 Series Campus Gateways that deliver enhanced Wi-Fi scalability and security to meet campus networking demands at the edge.
Securing the Industrial Internet of Things Infrastructure
This whitepaper describes the security solutions developed by Aruba and partners to monitor and mitigate the security risks related to Industrial Internet of Things and relevant verticals, like manufacturing and energy.
387 Outdoor Access Point Ordering Guide
The HPE Aruba Networking 387 access points deliver greater than one Gigabit per second aggregate throughput. It provides resilient operation in inclement weather. And, ease of deployment dramatically simplifies the skills needed to deploy point to point connections.
HPE Aruba Networking 570 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 570 Series.
AirWave to Central Migration Service Description
The AirWave to Central Migration Service is designed to accelerate migration of certain WLAN features from AirWave into HPE Aruba Networking Central, so you can more quickly utilize Central features to achieve your business goals.
CX 10000 QuickStart Service Description
The CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of CX 10000 features into your environment, so that your organization can operate next-generation architectures that simplify, accelerate, and scale network and security services across your enterprise or provider edge colocation. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
ArubaOS 6 to ArubaOS 8 Migration Service Description
The ArubaOS 6 to ArubaOS 8 Migration Service provides the fastest route for you to upgrade your campus environment using the ArubaOS network operating system and quickly put new features to use in your environment. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
ClearPass Synchronization Service Description
Save time and keep your network access secure across multiple HPE Aruba Networking ClearPass clusters with our purpose-built tool. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
ClearPass QuickStart Service Description
ClearPass QuickStart Service helps you ramp up on the next generation of ClearPass security solutions and assists in the preparation for operational support. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
Campus Switching QuickStart Service Description
The Campus Switching QuickStart Service accelerates the implementation of baseline HPE Aruba Networking CX switch features into any environment, so that organizations can more quickly take advantage of next-gen CX switches. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
WLAN QuickStart Service Description
Engage with HPE Aruba Networking experts to quickly deploy our latest WLAN technology. Discover the benefits quickly, learn best practices, and be prepared to transform your environment at your own pace. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
Network Health Check Service Description
Your network must be in constant good health to ensure its high availability, security, and optimal performance. Get ahead of your network with a proactive Network Health Check from HPE Aruba Networking before network maintenance throws your team into constant fire-fighting mode. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
Proactive Engineering Services – Essentials Service Description
Proactive Engineering Services - Essentials allows your organization to achieve digital transformation and meet business goals with services that ensure your HPE Aruba Networking wireless and wired networks always deliver peak performance. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
Proactive Engineering Services – Enterprise Service Description
Proactive Engineering Services - Enterprise allows your organization to achieve digital transformation and meet business goals with services that ensure your HPE Aruba Networking wireless and wired networks always deliver peak performance. Learn more in the below service description or the service brief.
Remote 5 Day QuickStart Service Service Description
A time-based engagement designed to accelerate implementation of all HPE Aruba Networking solutions into your environment, so that your organization can more quickly achieve its business goals.
How Partners Should Leverage CEM in HPE GreenLake for Networking for NaaS Success
Explore how partners can quickly onboard customers by reducing the complexity associated with installation while minimizing the risk of managing the network.
HPE Aruba Networking 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway Ordering Guide
Ordering details for the 9100 Series Hybrid Gateway including capacity licenses and add-ons.
Unleashing the retail opportunity for global service providers
This white paper explores the importance of network modernization in retail and showcases how global service providers, in partnership with HPE Aruba Networking, can unlock the full potential of digital transformation and empower retailers to thrive in the evolving landscape.
HPE Aruba Networking Analytics and Location Engine
Use contextual data from the Analytics and Localization Engine (ALE) to make contextual information such as traffic patterns available to location services using robust APIs.
Unlocking the opportunities in manufacturing for global service providers
Learn how HPE Aruba Networking helps global service providers address the priority use cases for manufacturers today with a smart, secure, easy to integrate network solution.
A 360-degree View of People, Process and Technology: Aruba Security Solutions for GDPR
GDPR introduces standards for data protection impacting organizations maintaining European personal data, and other governments worldwide are adopting similar approaches. Discover how HPE Aruba Networking solutions can help you prepare to data privacy regulations.
Aruba EdgeConnect SD-WAN Solution Data Sheet (Service Provider)
In-depth product features, functionality, benefits, and specifications for service providers.
HPE Aruba Networking 600R Series Remote Access Points Ordering Guide
This ordering guide provides detailed information on how to order AP hardware, accessories, and other components for the 600R Series.
USB LTE Modem Data Sheet
The HPE Aruba Networking USB LTE Modem makes it easy to add high speed primary or backup WAN uplinks with plug and play support for HPE Aruba Networking Access Points and Gateways. Explore the comprehensive list of features, specifications, and ordering information.
370 Series Outdoor Access Point Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 370 AP.
The economic benefits of cloud-managed networking with HPE Aruba Networking Central
Read ESG’s qualitative and quantitative findings, which revealed that organizations using Aruba Central can provide faster time to value and improved business agility while reducing operational complexity, administrative overhead, and risk to the organization. ESG's models predict that Aruba Central can lower the cost of administration by up to 67% at a TCO that is roughly 40% lower than using traditional or legacy network management solutions.
Architecting a secure business-driven SD-WAN
Learn how a secure SD-WAN deployment can better safeguard today’s dynamic, cloud-first enterprises. Get an extensive overview of the set of security capabilities incorporated in the HPE Aruba Networking EdgeConnect SD-WAN platform.
Sustainability with HPE GreenLake for Networking
Learn how HPE Aruba Networking and our partners are working to reduce emissions generated by network operations and how HPE GreenLake for Networking can help.
WPA3 and Enhanced Open White Paper
What is WPA3 and Enhanced Open, and how can they secure the enterprise? As successors to WPA2 and traditional open networks, learn how these new standards provide enhanced capabilities to support the next generation of secure mobility.
Streamline PCI Compliance with the Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch
Streamline PCI Compliance with the Aruba CX 10000 Distributed Services Switch.
Aruba 518 系列加固接入点数据表
提供用于室内恶劣环境部署的Aruba 518强化型Wi-Fi 6接入点的特性、功能和规格方面的详细信息。
Aruba 580EX 系列室外接入点数据表
了解 580EX 系列室外接入点的性能和优势,适合危险环境。
Aruba CX 10000 交换机系列产品资料
The Aruba CX 10000 Series Switch with Pensando represents a new category of data center switches that combines best-of-breed Aruba data center L2/3 switching with the industry’s only, fully programmable DPU (Pensando Elba) that delivers stateful software-defined services inline, at scale, with wire-rate performance and orders of magnitude scale and performance improvements over traditional data center L2/3 switches at a fraction of their TCO.
318 Series Outdoor Access Point Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 318 AP.
The Aruba AIOps Advantage
A detailed description of Aruba's AIOps architecture and the results achieved. Includes the value of peer comparisons, domain expertise, and actionable recommendations.
Designing Hyper-aware Education Facilities White Paper
This whitepaper provides an overview of Aruba Technology Partner and Aruba Infrastructure components for education facilities applications.
IDC Executive Summary: Demand for Network as a Service Accelerates, Driven by Shorter Planning Cycles and Network Management Concerns
An IDC executive paper sponsored by Aruba, this paper provides insights into the demands for NaaS today based on a survey of over 1000 Global IT and networking professionals and their plans around the implementation and usage of NaaS.
Aruba 340 Series Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 340 AP.
Implementing Zero Trust architecture and Comply-to-Connect best practices
This document provides the details of how HPE Aruba Networking solutions support the NIST Zero Trust Security framework and the U.S. Department of Defense Comply-to-Connect standard.
通过 Aruba Central NetConductor 从云端实现网络和策略编排的自动化和加速
Aruba Central NetConductor包含各种边缘到云网络和安全服务,这些服务专门用于解决网络更新换代过程中遇到的各种连接和安全问题。了解Central NetConductor如何帮助您实现网络部署、操作和安全性的自动化和加速。
Architecting an Application-driven WAN Edge
Aruba EdgeConnect liberates enterprises from the cost, complexity and headaches associated with traditional router-centric WAN infrastructure.
Aruba 移动网络控制器虚拟设备数据表
The Aruba Mobility Controller Virtual Appliance provides software-defined, enterprise-grade network services, including management, forwarding, security, and configuration.
7200 系列产品说明书
7200 系列针对 802.11ac 优化,具有带有 8 个 CPU 核心的中央处理器,支持超过 32,000 台设备和 40 Gbps 下的有状态防火墙策略实施。
7000 系列产品说明书
AP-303H Access Point Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 303H AP.
Market Insights: Federal IT Embraces Cloud for Network Management
In a recent survey of dozens of federal IT executives, we found a distinct trend toward cloud adoption. Even with reservations, federal technology leaders are still shedding their legacy systems in favor of a more centralized and modernized approach. Not only are they shifting applications but also infrastructure, including network management, into the cloud. Download this informative white paper to gain insight into how federal technology leaders approach the cloud.
ESG White Paper: Creating a Distributed Services Architecture in Existing Data Center Environments
Hyperscale cloud providers need to distribute modern application and security services as close as possible to the application. Learn how Aruba, in partnership with Pensando, is enabling organizations to leverage this innovative technology to create a distributed services architecture in enterprise data centers and colocation facilities.
IPsec UDP Mode with EdgeConnect
Technical White Paper describing IPsec over UDP.
Digital Transformation in Retail Banking-Part 2
Retail banks underwent a massive digital transformation, accelerated through the pandemic. This paper looks at ways retail banks can convert those wins into a more predictable and profitable business strategy for the future.
With Wi-Fi 6E, Is It Time to Consider a Layered Network Approach?
A new frontier in wireless is opening with the introduction of Wi-Fi 6E. Given the new channels, is it best to continue current practices and deploy all channels in a single layer of coverage or take a new approach?
Standards, Government Validations and Accreditations
This data sheet includes Aruba products and solutions that operate under strict adherence to international and U.S. government computer security standards in order to meet or exceed the demands and requirements of national agencies, organizations, and other publicly-funded institutions.
Technical guide to Wi-Fi 6E and the 6 GHz band
Gain insight into the technical considerations of Wi-Fi 6E and 6 GHz and explore its implications for new and existing Wi-Fi deployments.
Classified Networking Solutions
It is now possible to unify disparate computing infrastructures into one seamless network access solution – for government employees, contractors, visitors, and military personnel in garrison or in deployment, as well as for agencies that handle sensitive but unclassified, confidential and classified information.
Designing Hyper-aware Civilian Government Facilities
This whitepaper provides an overview of Aruba Technology Partner and Aruba Infrastructure components for civilian and government industry applications.
Designing Hyper-aware Financial Facilities
This whitepaper provides an overview of Aruba technology partners and Aruba infrastructure components for financial industry applications.
Designing Hyper-aware Smart Buildings
This whitepaper outlines the smart building vertical market, related Aruba technology partners, and target use cases.
Designing Hyper-Aware Industrial Facilities
This whitepaper describes Aruba infrastructure and technology partner solutions for chemical, defense, food & beverage, logistics, manufacturing, petrochemical, pharma, transportation, and utility applications.
Designing Hyper-aware Retail Facilities
Secure infrastructure and partner solutions for digital transformation in retail.
Combatant Command (COCOM) Next-Generation Security Architecture Using NSA Suite B
Learn about Aruba’s classified networking solutions and how one US military customer deployed a fully-accredited next-generation security architecture using NSA-approved Suite B on classified networks.
Modernizing Datacenter and Edge Networks for Cloud-Era Centers of Data IDC Research Paper
This paper by IDC discusses how traditional enterprise on-prem data center networks are changing, as they look for new ways to more easily deploy, operate, and manage a growing mix of cloud, branch, and edge infrastructures.
CBRS, 5G and Wi-Fi: Radio Access Network Convergence in the Enterprise
This white paper provides an overview of the state-of-the-art of enterprise radio access network technologies including both cellular and non-cellular variants. It explains how they may be combined from a control plane and data path perspective in an enterprise network architecture. Our objective is to arm customer IT decision-makers and architects with the basic conceptual knowledge, terminology, architectures and deployment options to facilitate strategic planning.
Designing Hyper-aware Hospitality Facilities
Secure infrastructure and partner solutions for hotels, resorts, and conferencing venues.
Aruba 370EX Series Hazardous Location APs Ordering Guide
The 370EX Series Hazardous Location AP deliver proven high performance, advanced location and IoT support. Suitable for extreme weather conditions and hazardous environments, the 370EX APs are ideal for oil rigs, mining facilities and factories.
Industrial IoT in a 5G World: Technology White Paper
Industrial IoT systems technologies span sensors, communications, big-data storage, edge computing and advanced analytics. Wireless has become the last hop wherever possible, but which wireless technology should you select?
Industrial IoT in a 5G World: Architecture White Paper
Industrial IoT systems are complex architectures that span sensors, communications, big-data storage, edge computing and advanced analytics. Learn about the advantages of Wi-Fi 6, 5G, and other wireless mediums in support of these technologies.
Digital Transformation in Retail Banking White Paper
A look at retail banking today and possible use cases that can help drive digital transformation. Mobile device interaction, smart ATMs, location services, SD-WAN simplicity and cost savings, and more.
Solving the Indoor Cellular Coverage Problem: Different Approaches White Paper
This white paper provides an overview and the common challenges in deploying alternate solutions to solve indoor cellular coverage problems. This includes technologies such as small cell, DAS, and CBRS.
Solving the Indoor Cellular Coverage Problem: Wi-Fi Calling and Passpoint White Paper
This paper describes an approach to the in-building cellular coverage problem that allows an enterprise to provide dependable service for any cellular mobile device.
Create a Next Generation Digital Store Experience
Online competition steadily grows, and retailers face a number of significant challenges to the revenue and cost expectations. Aruba’s Software Defined Branch for retailis tailored to face these challenges.
SD-Branch ROI White Paper by Lee Doyle
Lee Doyle of Doyle Research provides his insight on the benefits and ROI associated with SD-Branch solutions.
Aruba SD-Branch Technical Overview
Technical white paper that defines Aruba's Software Defined Branch solution and key technical features and benefits.
Secure Mobility Solutions for Retail Transactions
Retailers can have secure end-to-end mobility in stores, distribution centers and headquarters while consolidating wired, wireless and remote networks into one centralized architecture. This unifies security, network access and management services and delivers higher levels of operational efficiency at lower cost.
VIA 客户端产品说明书
Virtual Intranet Access (VIA) 客户端为 Android、Apple iOS、Mac OS X、Linux 和 Windows 设备提供了安全的远程网络连接。
220 系列产品说明书
多功能 220 系列无线 AP 向 802.11ac 移动设备提供了千兆位 Wi-Fi 性能。集成的 Aruba ClientMatch™ 技术确保了 WLAN 基础设施上的一致高性能。
200 系列产品说明书
经济实惠的多功能 Aruba 200 系列 802.11ac 无线 AP 可在中等密度的企业 Wi-Fi 环境中让移动设备发挥最佳性能。
IoT and the Smart Workplace
Workplaces equipped with a growing range of IoT sensors and other IoT devices will be able to offer enhanced, interactive experiences to their occupants, visitors, managers, and operators.
100 Series Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 100 series AP.
300 Series Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 300 Series AP.
360 Series Outdoor Access Points Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 360 Series outdoor AP.
AP-203H Access Point Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 203H AP.
203R Remote Access Point Ordering Guide
View all the part numbers and accessories you will need to order a 203R AP.
Tunneled Internet Gateway
The Aruba Tunneled Internet Gateway lets mobile device users wirelessly access the Internet without compromising the security of the restricted network. Unsecure Internet traffic is logically and cryptographically separated from restricted network traffic across the entire network.
Lync Deployment – Aruba Instant Best Practices Guide
The combination of Microsoft Lync Server and Aruba’s wireless LAN allows mobile employees to communicate more reliably, securely, and effectively over voice, video, IM, or conferencing than was ever before possible.
802.11ac In-Depth
802.11ac is a set of physical layer enhancements for higher throughput in the 5-GHz band, chiefly with video in mind. To achieve this, 802.11ac extends the techniques pioneered in 802.11n: More antennas, wider channels and more spatial streams, along with a number of new features that significantly improve throughput and reliability.
802.11ax - Wait, did we just build a wireless switch?
This white paper describes the multi-user based enhancements in 802.11ax, specifically how ax allows more clients to talk at once similar to how a wired switch works.
Multi-Factor Authentication for Government Installation
After a series of recent high profile attacks against government agencies, this paper outlines new NIST and Homeland Security identity authentication guidelines and implementation.
Aruba Sensor Data Sheet
The Aruba Sensor is a small, dual-band 802.11n client radio and a BLE radio that allows all enterprises — whether they are Aruba Wi-Fi customers or not — to remotely manage their Aruba Beacon deployments over their existing Wi-Fi infrastructure.
Enterprise mobility using remote access points
Workforce mobility is increasing and workers expect to get the same corporate network access at home that they would get in the office. The remote system needs to be as easy to use as the corporate network and remote access points make network access seamless for users.
Wi-Fi Calling
Wi-Fi calling will transform the way we thing about indoor cellular coverage. This white paper looks at variations of the Wi-Fi calling architecture and discusses how the WLAN affects Wi-Fi calling.
Wi-Fi First
Aruba’s vision for mobile connectivity and LTE in unlicensed spectrum.
Integrating Wi-Fi and Cellular Networks
This paper discusses the architecture for integration of Wi-Fi as alternate Radio Access Technology (RAT) into the 3GPP core network to enable unified mobility services for subscribers.
Carrier-grade RF Performance
In this paper, we explore how Aruba Wi-Fi enables carrier-grade RF reliability and robust performance for all users connected to the network.
Secure Wi-Fi for the U.S. Federal Government
This paper will provide a detailed, technical explanation of how modern enterprise Wi-Fi networks are secured and highlight the government policies governing Wi-Fi use.
Remotely Connected: Secure remote monitoring for IoT applications
Aruba’s Connect-and-Protect architecture converts untrusted IoT devices into trusted and actionable data. This paper discusses how to apply those building blocks to construct secure remote monitoring solutions that simultaneously address both IoT visibility and security.
5 Ways to Manage Mobility and IoT Risks
Learn how Aruba can help reduce network risks by pairing user and device visibility with network enforcement.
Securing the Evolving Enterprise Network – Inside and Out
Learn about the current state of network security and how Aruba’s closed-loop solution addresses evolving security requirements.
Built to Blast: Industrial IoT Infrastructure for Hazardous Environments
This paper examines how network infrastructure can be deployed in explosive environments and how sensor systems can be integrated with this infrastructure.
Location Services: Bridging the Physical and Digital Divide
The ROI of BLE technology: How to quickly deploy location-based services for increased productivity and improved customer engagement.
ClearPass White Paper
This white paper discusses the key differentiators for Aruba ClearPass network access control, providing visibility, control and security response. What's on your network?
TechTarget Report: Why Network Architecture Matters in a Mobile-First World
Where, when and how people work has changed dramatically, with more upheaval to come. That means IT and network professionals need to pay close attention to their options for network architecture in an era where enterprise mobility and digital workplaces now are the rule, rather than the exception.
Locating Value: Extracting Context From The IoT To Create Real Economic Value
In this paper we explore Aruba’s location-based IoT solutions, and review how they enhance the IoT value cycle.
802.11ax White Paper
This white paper provides an in-depth look at the 802.11ax technology, including a look at the current Wi-Fi market, the genesis of technologies to 802.11ax, key features of 802.11ax as well as deployment and upgrade strategy.
How Aruba Security Solutions Support NIST Compliance
This white paper describes how the products and technologies in the Aruba 360 Secure Fabric can contribute to overall NIST compliance. The 360 Fabric is a security architecture in which Aruba security products can deliver on the individual NIST mandates. Aruba can contibute to over 40 of the 100+ subcategories across all the Functions and in aggregate significantly enhance an organization’s ability to mitigate risk and respond to attacks before they do damage.
ArubaOS 8 操作系统软件
ArubaOS 是所有 Aruba 移 动 控 制 器、虚 拟 移 动 控 制 器、Mobility Master 和控制器管理的无线接入点的操作系统。凭借广泛的集成技术和功能,ArubaOS 8 提供统一的有线和无线接入、无缝漫游、企业级安全、以及始终在线的网络,交付所需的性能、用户体验和可靠性,以支持高密度环境。
2530 交换机系列产品资料
Aruba 2530 交换机系列为企业、分支机构办事处和中小型企业提供安全性、可靠性和易用性。